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Yoast Video SEO

  • To make best use of the new features in this update, please reindex your videos.


  • Several i18n namespace fixes.
  • Make video's in taxonomy descriptions pick up properly again.
  • Fix for Wistia popover embeds and Wistia https URLs.
  • Prevent output of hd attribute for video's in XML Video sitemap.
  • Make sure opengraph image is always set to "full" size.
  • Add width and height for Youtube vids.
  • Prevent notice in sitemap when video from taxonomy term is displayed.
  • Prevent wrong or empty dates in XML video sitemap.


  • Add option to manually add tags per video.
  • Add option to override video category (normally defaults to first post category).
  • Order videos in XML video sitemap by date modified, ascending.
  • Add "proper" Facebook video integration.
  • Added support for Advanced Responsive Video Embedder.
  • Added support for
  • Allow for custom fields that hold arrays to be detected too.
  • Add support for custom Vimeo URLs. (eg
  • Make sure the video thumbnail is always put out as an og:image too.
  • Added support for Instabuilder video shortcodes
  • Added support for Vidyard
  • Set license key with a constant
  • Added support for Cincopa
  • Added support for Brightcove
  • Added support for videos in the 'Archive Intro Text' (Genesis) in the video sitemap
  • Added support for WP OS FLV plugin
  • Added support for Wordpress Automatic Youtube Video Post