Fixed: shortcode list would often not be reset properly.
Fixed: escaped shortcodes would still be searched for video.
Fixed: no name shortcode attributes wouldn't always be recognized.
Fixed: Flickr video detail retrieval was failing, SSL now required.
Fixed: Compatibility issue between support for the JW Player plugin and fitvids.js.
Fixed: only the first shortcode found would be checked to see if it was a video shortcode, then it would fall back to other methods, now all shortcodes are checked until a video shortcode is found. If none is found, it will still fall back to other methods of finding video.
Fixed: small regression where video details would not always be retrieved.
Fixed: [videopress] shortcode - while supported by plugins - was still not recognized.
Fixed: regression where numeric video ids would sometimes prevent video detail retrieval.
Fixed: most of vidyard detail retrieval failed.
Fixed: bug where content of the last recognized meta field would overrule earlier found information.
Fixed: bug where a meta field containing a mixture of html/text and a url at the end could be accepted as content_loc.
Fixed: the VideoSEO plugin would auto-de-activate on an upgrade of WPSEO. This should no longer happen.
Added support for recognizing video attachments without additional plugins.
Added support for recognizing .ogv files as video files.
Added support for custom Wistia domains.
A lot more video URLs will be recognized as such.
Better support for protocol-less urls all round.
Add Video SEO menu item to the admin bar
WP 4.0 removes oembed support for Viddler videos as Viddler no longer supports free personal accounts. For those users who still use Viddler, Video SEO will continue to support both the OEmbedding as well as - of course - the SEO aspect.
Added support for 23Video videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for videos (retrieval of video details - unfortunately this does not (yet) work for short urls).
Added support for videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for Revision3 videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for TED videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for VideoJug videos (retrieval of video details).
Added support for Snotr videos via Embedly (limited video details).
Added support for videos via Embedly (retrieval of video details).
Added support for Vine videos via Embedly (retrieval of video details).
If no video detail retrieval is available, Embedly will be used to try and retrieve details anyway.
Much improved support for uploaded/locally hosted videos (retrieval of video details).
Improved support for YouTube (country) sub-domains and alternative protocols (httpvhd, httpvhp, youtube::). Removed support for audio-only embeds as, well, audio is not video.
Improved support for Animoto videos (recognition of urls).
Improved support for videos (improved recognition leading to better retrieval of video details).
Improved support for videos (recognition of short urls).
Improved support for Flickr videos (recognition of short urls and better retrieval of video details).
Improved support for Viddler videos (retrieval of video details).
Improved support for VideoPress and (retrieval of video details).
Improved support for Vimeo videos (url recognition and retrieval of video details).
Improved support for Vzaar videos (url recognition and retrieval of video details).
Improved support for Wistia videos (recognition of urls and retrieval of video details).
Slightly improved support for YouTube videos (retrieval of video details).